34, 364 to nearest hundred



34, 364 to nearest hundred:

we need to look only to the hundredth part :

364 is bounded between 300 and 400 , as it is next to 400 than 300,

so we can rounded to 400:

34,364 rounded to 34,400 

Rounding to the Nearest Hundred

This video shows one way to explain rounding numbers to the nearest huindred. It does not include rounding with decimals as it is not a skill my students are ...

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Rounding to the nearest 100 | 3rd grade | Khan Academy

Use a number line to round three-digit numbers to the nearest hundred. Practice this lesson yourself on KhanAcademy.org right now: ...


34, 364 to nearest hundred.

We need to focus on the hundredth: 364

364 is between 300 and 400 

but it is nearest to 400 than 300

so the rounding of 364 is 400

34,364 is rounded to 34,400


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