If the divisor is 40, what is the least three-digit dividend that would give a remainder 4

Middle School


To find the least 3 digit dividend that would give a remainder 4, in where the divisor is 40

that means:  x + 4 / 40

Since the quotient is not given, it doesn’t matter what the quotient is as long as we have a remainder of 4 when we divide it with 40.

Let’s start by multiplying 40 first to find a 3 digit number:

a. 40 x 2 = 80, that doesn't work.

b. 40 x 3 = 120, this is a 3 digit number and the least 3 digit number

Thus the equation and the answer would be

120  + 4 / 40=

 124 / 40=

 3 and the remainder is 4




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