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What type of creatures are goats

The word goat was derived from old English word “gat” which was basically extracted from Proto-Indo-European word “ghaidos” meaning young kid. The earliest remnants of goats (dating 10,000 years before) are found in Kermanshah, Iran. Archaeologists have been discovered the remaining of goats in Jericho, Choga Mami, Djeitun and Cayonu. Basically, goats are mammals which belong to the family Bovidae. Scientific name of goat is Capra aegagrus hirucs. Goats are closest species to Sheep having life span of fifteen to eighteen years. According to United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization more than 924 million goats are present in this universe. More than three hundred distinct breeds of goats are present. Female goats are known as “Nannies” and male goats are referred as “billies” and “bucks”. Goat has very sharp horns on head and also has hair on chin which appears as beard on the face of goat.  Goat has very unique digestive system which consists of four chambers i.e, rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasums. Design of eyes of goat resembles with the eyes of horse, deer and cattle.  This specie likes to eat green food which consists of grass, leaves, plants and green leaves of corn. Goats are not grazing animals, they are browsing animals. Goats are very curious in behavior. They have a natural sense to observe things in surroundings.

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