



Construction and working of an optical fiber:

A fiber optic cable is made up of 100 or more strands of glass or plastic called optical fibers, each one about one tenth as thick as a human hair. The purpose of fiber optic cables is to carry information between two points. If you’re interested in a network cabling career, you’ll know that this technology is being used increasingly in the TV, internet and telecommunications fields.


How Fiber Optics Works

In a fiber optic cable, information in the form of light travels by repeatedly bouncing off the glass cable walls. The light is able to stay within the cable due to its structure, which is divided into two separate parts.


The center of the cable, called the core, is the section that light travels through. The core is encased in another layer of glass called the cladding, which is made from yet another type of glass or plastic keeping the light signals inside the core. If you’re considering network cabling training and are interested in the technicalities, the cladding has a lower refractive index than the core, which causes total internal reflection that keeps signals bouncing down the core.



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