Form of verb -dare


Dare can be used in the following ways:
as an intransitive verb (followed by an infinitive with ‘to’):He doesn’t dare to complain.(without a following infinitive):She never went there on her own – she didn’t dare to.
as a modal verb (followed by an infinitive without ‘to’):No one dared speak.(without a following infinitive):Fight with him if you dare.When dare is a modal verb, the third person singular of the present tense does not end in ‘-s’. When dare is a modal verb, negatives and questions are formed without ‘do’, and the negative dare not can be shortened to daren’t in conversation and in informal writing:Dare he tell her the truth?He dare not/daren’t lie.
as a transitive verb (with an object usually followed by an infinitive with ‘to’):Someone dared him to climb the tree.

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