What factors pushed people away from their native lands and pulled them to Canada
Lesson Steps:

1. Research on the internet.

2. Use reliable source.


Some factors that pushed people away from their native land and pulled them to Canada were:

1. Slavery: Blacks left the United States and headed North to Canada in search of freedom.

2. Escaping economic hardships, poverty, and social stress.

3. Expanding populations.

4. Natives left their land because of high employment. Newfoundland had a booming shipping industry, seal hunting, and a winter trapping season.

5. Some came to Canada in search of land.

6. Well-established shipping routes with Newfoundland and Labrador also made the colony a popular destination for British migrants.

7. Religious strife influenced Jewish and Lebanese people to move to Canada.

8. Scots immigrated to Canada because of the Saltfish industry.

Grade: 9
Level: Highschool
Subject: History
Topic: What factors pushed people away from their native lands and pulled them to canada?

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